Road Rules 5 Click to email this article   Click to share on twitter   Click to share on facebook

Animal-drawn vehicles


(1) No person shall operate an animal-drawn vehicle on a public road unless the name and address of the owner thereof is affixed or painted in a conspicuous position on the left side of such vehicle in letters not less than 25 millimetres high: Provided that nothing herein contained shall apply in respect of a vehicle used solely for the conveyance of persons otherwise than for hire or reward.

(2) No person shall operate an animal-drawn vehicle on a public road unless the vehicle and the harness and other equipment thereof are in an efficient and safe condition.

(3) The owner of an animal-drawn vehicle shall not cause or permit such vehicle to be used on a public road by any person who is not competent whether by reason of his or her age or otherwise to drive and control such vehicle.

(4) The driver of an animal-drawn vehicle on a public road shall at all times give his or her undivided attention to the driving of the vehicle under his or her control, and if the vehicle is standing on a public road, the driver shall not cease to retain control over every animal which is still harnessed to the vehicle, unless some other person competent to do so takes charge of every such animal, or every such animal is so fastened that it cannot move from the place where it has been left.

(5) No person shall operate on a public road a vehicle drawn by a team of animals not controlled by reins, unless there is a person leading the team and exercising control over such team.

(6) The driver or other person in charge of a vehicle drawn by any animal shall not, on a public road outside an urban area, permit such vehicle to follow any other vehicle similarly drawn at a distance of less than 150 metres calculated from the foremost animal of such first-mentioned vehicle, except for the purpose of overtaking a vehicle travelling at a slower speed or when a vehicle travelling at a greater speed, having overtaken such vehicle, is drawing away from it.



Pedestrian's right of way in pedestrian crossing

(1) Where a pedestrian crossing is situated in conjunction with a traffic signal, a pedestrian shall not enter such crossing except in accordance with the indications of traffic signal.

(2) The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way, slowing down or stopping if need be to so yield to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a pedestrian crossing when the pedestrian is upon that half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is travelling, or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger.

(3) No pedestrian shall suddenly enter a pedestrian crossing and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield.

(4) Whenever any vehicle is stopped at a pedestrian crossing to permit pedestrians to cross the roadway, the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not pass such stopped vehicle.


The “Red man” or light show the pedestrian that it is not safe to cross the road at the current intersection. The pedestrian must wait on the side walk until such time as the “green man” or light is showen. Pedestrians that are currently on the crossing must cross as soon as they can.



 If any animals are seen to cross the road and only continue to move when the animals have crossed safely.



Duties of pedestrians

(1) Whenever a sidewalk or footpath abuts on the roadway of a public road, a pedestrian shall not walk on such roadway except for the purpose of crossing from one side of such roadway to the other or for some other sufficient reason.

(2) A pedestrian on a public road which has no sidewalk or footpath abutting on the roadway, shall walk as near as is practicable to the edge of the roadway on his or her right-hand side so as to face oncoming traffic on such roadway, except where the presence of pedestrians on the roadway is prohibited by a prescribed road traffic sign.

(3) No pedestrian shall cross a public road without satisfying himself or herself that the roadway is sufficiently free from oncoming traffic to permit him or her to cross the road in safety.

(4) A pedestrian, when crossing a public road by means of a pedestrian crossing or in any other manner, shall not linger on such road but shall proceed with due despatch.

(5) No pedestrian on a public road shall conduct himself or herself in such a manner as to or as is likely to constitute a source of danger to himself or herself or to other traffic which is or may be on such road.

(6) A pedestrian may cross a public road only at a pedestrian crossing or an intersection or at a distance further than 50 metres from such pedestrian crossing or intersection.



Hindering or obstructing traffic on public road

(1) No person shall willfully or unnecessarily prevent, hinder or interrupt the free and proper passage of traffic on a public road.

(2) Subject to the provisions of the Act or any other law, no person shall place or abandon or cause to be placed or abandoned on a public road any object that may endanger or cause damage to traffic on such road

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